
As the name implies, artifacts from Myanmar represent the bulk of the inventory. However, on the many trips in the Asian region, I have succeeded in finding rare, beautiful and affordable handicrafts in various materials ranging from ivory, wood to terra cotta. I’m particularly proud of my small collection of unique 10/11th Century Khmer bronze figures excavated and saved from destruction of war and perils of nature, - some still retaining the much sought after green patina.

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  • Misc 220


    A young monk. Burma, behind glass, in a wooden gilted frame. Signed.

    Place of origin: Burma
    Material: Canvas
    Height: 46 cm.
    Lenght/dept: 36 cm.
    Age: 20 th cent.
  • Misc 218


    A older woman from a village in Burma, behind glass, in a wooden gilted frame. Signed.

    Place of origin: Burma
    Material: Canvas
    Height: 46 cm.
    Lenght/dept: 36 cm.
    Age: 20 th cent.
  • Misc 214


    A nice wooden teak guardian on a base, from Borneo.

    Place of origin: Borneo
    Material: Wood
    Height: 59/56 cm.
    Age: 19th cent.
  • Misc 213


    A nice pair of baby monks.

    Place of origin: Burma
    Material: Bronze/metal.
    Height: 14 and 19 cm.
    Age: 20th cent.
  • Misc 196


     A compass made in wood with mother of pearls inlay on top.

    Place of origin: Kina
    Material: Wood
    Height: Diameter: 7,5 cm
    Age: 19th cent.
  • Misc 174


    Two very nice and well made elephant in white ivory.

    Price for the smaller one is 600 dkr. And 800 for the bigger one.

    Place of origin: China
    Material: Ivory
    Height: 6-8 cm. incl. base
    Lenght/dept: 6-8 cm. incl. base.
    Age: 20 th cent.
  • Misc 161


    Sitting Mandalay limestone Buddha on a throne with inscriptions.

    Place of origin: Burma
    Material: Limestone
    Height: 27 cm..
    Age: 20th cent.
  • Misc 130


    Small fertiity figure with a nice patina.

    Place of origin: Burma/India
    Material: Bronze
    Height: 5 cm.
    Age: 19 th cent.
  • Misc 118


    Older Bowl.

    Place of origin: Burma
    Material: Bronze
    Height: 7 cm.
    Lenght/dept: Diameter: 10 cm.
    Age: 20 th cent.
  • Misc 116


    Chinese Tanga on silk. In a wooden frame.

    Place of origin: China
    Material: Wood
    Height: 79 cm.
    Lenght/dept: 58 cm.
    Age: 20 th cent.
  • Misc 113


    Picture on silk, behind glass, in a wooden bamboo gilted frame. Made by the Jao tribe in the boarderland between Laos and Thailand

    Place of origin: Laos
    Material: Silk
    Height: 120 cm.
    Lenght/dept: 55 cm.
    Age: 19 th cent.
  • Misc 110


    Unique guardian figure with 2 faces from a north burmese tribe.

    Place of origin: Burma
    Material: Wood
    Height: 70 cm.
    Age: 20 th cent.